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Each shire council across Australia has its own environmental health department which is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of each food outlet and its compliance with their respective by-laws and requirements. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with these laws, even during renovations.

Also, to comply with Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) for the provision of food for public consumption when you may be undergoing renovations, or potentially providing any type of food service, including event catering, mining camp catering or hotel food service operations requires the equipment that enables you to comply with the code, and ultimately to HACCP standards.

Unique Portable Kitchens helps you to comply, no matter where you are, what you serve or who you are serving it to.


The Food Safety Standards were developed to provide more effective and nationally uniform food safety legislation for Australia. This is reflected in Chapter 3 (Australia only) of the Food Standards Code.

Standard 3.3.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 are mandatory for all food businesses. A guide to the three Standards, called Safe Food Australia is available. Click here to obtain a copy.Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application
This is the introductory standard which explains the terms used in the Standards. It includes the provisions that require food business and food handlers to comply with the standards.
Standard 3.2.1 Food Safety Programs
This standard sets out the requirements for the control of food safety hazards during the production, manufacture and handling of food. This Standard is not mandatory for all food businesses. It applies to certain industry sectors that have been identified as being high risk, such as retirement homes. More information on Standard 3.2.1 and the food businesses that must comply can be found
Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements
This standard sets out specific food handling controls related to the receipt, storage, processing, display, packaging, transportation, disposal and recall of food. Other requirements relate to the skills and knowledge of food handlers and their supervisors, the health and hygiene of food handlers and the cleaning and maintenance of food premises and equipment.
Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment
This standard sets out the requirements for food premises, fixtures, fittings, equipment and food transport vehicles.
Standard 3.3.1 Food Safety Programs for Food Service to Vulnerable Persons
This Standard requires food businesses that process food for service to vulnerable persons to implement a documented and audited food safety program, as defined in Standard 3.2.1 of the Food Standards Code.
Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations to the General Public
This information courtesy of Food Standards Australia New Zealand

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